The funds that come in through Above & Beyond will be used to update and maintain Program related activities here at camp. This support team will allow us to keep ropes course supplies current and other activity equipment in good shape without having to take funds from the annual camp budget. While program activities are not why we do camp, they are tools that draw people to come, then once here, they can experience the love of Jesus - the bottom line of why we are here doing what we do each day.
Above & Beyond will provide at least $12,000 annually and with that regular support we can better plan, communicate, and provide these key opportunities for all our guests. Families can give by credit card, automatic withdrawal, or check on a monthly recurring basis.
Those who partner with us will receive regular updates from camp on the use of the Above & Beyond funds and what is happening here at Lake Beauty. If you are ready to sign up, you may call and set up your recurring Above & Beyond donation with our the Lake Beauty Bookkeeper at (320) 732-3218. You may also use the Donate link below and select Above & Beyond in the giving options.